Patent Offices / Trademark offices
- German Patent and Trademark Office
- European Patent Office
- EUIPO, Alicante
- WIPO, Geneva
- US Patent and Trademark Office
- Japanese Patent and Trademark Office
- Chinese Patent and Trademark Office
Databases (Noncommercial)
- Depatisnet of the German Patent and Trademark Office
- DPMA Register of the German Patent and Trademark Office
- Decisions of Court of Arbitration
- Espacenet of the European Patent Office
- EPOLINE of the European Patent Office
- European Patent Register
- Patent Database of the USPTO
- Legal Status Database of the USPTO
- IPDL Industrial Property Digital Library (Search Database of the JPO)
- EUIPO Database of Community Trademarks
- EUIPO Database of Community Design Models
- Patentscope Database of the WIPO on PCT Applications
- Madrid Monitor – Database of the WIPO on IR Trademarks
- Court Rulings of the Chambers of Appeal (8th Edition 2016)
- Extended Search in the Database with Decisions of the European Chambers of Appeal
- Decisions of the German Federal Supreme Court
- Duesseldorf Decisions of the Center of Intellectual Property Rights Protection of the Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf